Name Games
Goal: Learn the names of everyone in the group
Blanket Drop
Supplies: Blanket or Thick Sheet, Two Chairs to Stand On
Number of People: 15-100
Have everyone give a quick introduction
Split the group into two sides and have them stand in a single file line facing each other
Two volunteers stand on chairs and hold the blanket up high so it covers both groups
One the count of the three the blanket is dropped and the two players at the front of the line have to say the other’s name first. The player who says the name first wins the round. The loser of the round joins the other side
The game ends when all players are on one side
Motion To Meet Someone New
Participants stand in a circle.
Anyone can begin the game by saying their name and demonstrating a physical motion to go with it.
When the person is done, the entire group repeats the name and the motion.
Then, the second person (on either side of the first) introduces themselves and does a different motion.
The entire group repeats that name/motion and then the first name/motion.
This will continue until each person has given their name and done
Supplies: None
Number of People: 7-30
Name Juggling
Supplies: 5-10 Balls (or objects that can be tossed)
Number of People: 7-50
Players toss a ball to another player while saying their name. If they do not know the name they ask and repeat it as they throw
The player catches the ball and repeats by throwing the ball and saying the name of the player they are throwing to.
This continues until every player has caught and thrown the ball once.
Repeat this in the exact same order but add a second ball, then third
Can you go an entire round with 3+ balls without dropping it? Can you go forwards and backwards?
Stop and re-assess throughout: “What can we do differently to achieve our goal?, What’s working and what’s not?”