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Goal: Stay engaged while working remotely

*Many activities in the other sections can be adapted for a virtual environment. Be creative and have fun!

Virtual: Welcome

Among Us LIVE!

Supplies: Zoom, List of Tasks, Task Items
Participants: 8-30

Among Us LIVE! is based on the virtual Among Us video game but played outside of an app. The goal of the game is to discover who the imposter is. 

  • You will need one leader to manage the game.

    • The leader assigns each participant a color and either "crewmate" or "imposter" (keep this a secret!)​

    • Have participants come dressed in their color and change their Zoom backgrounds to match!

  • The main Zoom room is managed by the leader

    • The leader will send participants to break out rooms to complete tasks (you can make as many rooms as you wish, I used 8 for 18 people)

  • Breakout rooms

    • There is a task in each breakout room 

      • Task Examples:​

        • 1 – Count to ten using your fingers

        • 2 – Spin in a circle 4 times

        • 3 – Draw a cube

        • 4 – Say hello in 3 different languages

        • 5 – Find something in your room to match your color

        • 6 – Dance for exactly 1 minute

        • 7 – Balance something on your head for 30 seconds

        • 8 – Hum Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

    • Crewmates complete tasks but the imposter is unable to complete tasks. 

  • Imposter

    • The imposter’s goal is to "wipe" the crew mates without being discovered

      • To wipe: say or private message “wiped you” to the target

      • Can only wipe when in the same breakout room

    • The imposter cannot complete tasks but can fake them!

  • Crewmates

    • If wiped, change Zoom background to "wipe screen" (I used a computer static/pixilated background for this)

    • Remain wiped in the breakout room until “wiped body” has been called ​

  • Voting

    • To call a meeting, return to the main room and the leader will bring all participants back. 

    • Discuss and suspicious behavior and wiped bodies found.

    • Take a vote on who the group believes the impost to be

      • Correct: game over and crewmates win​

      • Incorrect: continue playing by returning to breakout

Game ends when the crewmates correctly name the imposter or the imposter has wiped all but one crewmate.​​​

Virtual: Text

Bucket List

Supplies: Electronic Bucket Outline
Participants: 2-25

  • Send all participants a Word Document with an electronic bucket outline 

    • Can be found on Google​

  • Allow 10-15 minutes for everyone to fill their bucket with words and images that represent items on their bucket list

  • Each participant shares their screen and explains what on their bucket list

Virtual: Text

Emoji Movie

Supplies: Movie List
Participants: 3-30

  • The group leader creates a list of movies describes using only emojis

  • The group leader can wither share their screen or put the emojis in the chat

    • If sharing screen, be sure answers are hidden​

  • Allow everyone to guess​

Virtual: Text

House Hunters

Supplies: Items list
Amount of People 2-30

  • Group leader prepares a list of common items that can be found in a home

    • Be sure to make these items accessible for all​

    • Ex:

      • Something blue

      • Something that makes noise

      • A cooking utensil

      • Something soft

      • Etc

  • The group leaders tells the participants what they need to find

    • Participants run as quickly as possible to find the item​

    • First participant back on screen with the correct item gets a point

    • Participant with the most points wins

Virtual: Text

House Party

Supplies: House Party App

Amount of People: 2-8

  • Have all participants download the House Party app onto their personal devices

    • The app is free​

    • Be sure to check that everyone has access to a device

  • The app allows the group to play Heads Up, Pictionary, (work appropriate) Cards Against Humanities, and Trivia

  • Tip: Lock the room so no one outside of your team can join

Virtual: Text

The Important Questions in Life

  • The group leader asks an absolutely ridiculous questions

  • Everyone responds 

    • Allow for debates and laughter​

  • Question Examples:

    • Is a poptart a ravioli?​

    • Is cereal a soup?

    • If animals could speak, which would be the rudest?

Supplies: Questions
Amount of People: 2-50

Virtual: Text

Just Dance

  • Find a Just Dance video on Youtube

  • While on Zoom (or your preferred video conferencing platform) share your screen

  • ​Everyone has fun dancing together!​

Supplies: YouTube
Amount of People: 1-100

Virtual: Text

Meme It

Supplies: Meme-able pictures
Amount of People: 2-100

  • Share a picture with the group

  • Provide 2 minutes for participants to come up with a meme for the picture

  • The group can vote on their favorite meme

  • Repeat as many times as desires

    • For extra fun, make it a competition! Favorite meme gets a point. Individual with the most points wins!​

Virtual: Text

Movies and Games

  • Resources for groups to watch movies or play games together 

    • Netflix Party​

    • Animal Crossing on Nintendo Switch

    • Quiplash (Jackbox.TV)

    • Skribbl

    • Psych! (Andriod or iOS)

Supplies: Netflix, Animal Crossings
Amount of People: 2-100

Virtual: Text

Never Have I Ever

Supplies: Prompts
Number of Participants: 3-30

  • Student Leader/RA edition

  • Group leader prepares prompts ahead of time

    • Ex:

      • Never have I ever stayed up all night to make door decs

      • Never have I ever held an e-board position

      • Never have I ever wrote 3 incident reports in one night

  • Group leader reads prompts 

    • Participants put a finger down for every prompt they HAVE done​

Virtual: Text

On Mute

Supplies: Prompts or Songs
Amount of People: 2-30

  • During their turn, each participant places themselves on mute and says a phrase or sings a song

    • The rest of the group guesses what the phrase or song is​

    • Team leader can provide phrases or songs or allow participants to choose themselves

Virtual: Text

Recently Used Emojis

Supplies: Electronic emoji lists, Zoom
Participants: 5-20

  • Ask members of your team to submit a screen shot of their recently used emojis to the group leader.

    • This can be found by opening the text app on your phone and viewing  emojis​​​

  • Display the emoji lists to the group one by one and have the group guess who the lists belong to.​

  • Example:

    • Emojis (laughing face, paw prints, music notes) ​

    • Everyone guesses Sam because they are happy, love animals, and play guitar

  • Reveal correct answers at the end.

Virtual: Text

Show and Tell

  • Share the activity with participants ahead of time to allow time to prepare

  • Each participant is given time to share an time, talent, hobby with the group

Supplies: None

Number of People: 2-25

Virtual: Text

Teach Us Something

Supplies: None

Amount of People: 2-15

  • This is an ongoing activity 

  • Each week, one group member is tasked to "teach us something"

    • Leave it open for the participant to interpret how they choose​

      • Ex: they can teach knitting, create a PowerPoint presentation on why their favorite TV series is the best, share a favorite recipe, etc.​

  • One group member goes each week/meeting

    • Be sure to share who will be sharing that week ​so they have time to prepare

Virtual: Text

This Is Me

Supplies: Person Outline

Amount of People: 2-100

  • Provide an electronic copy of a person outline (can be found on Google, I usually go with a gingerbread shaped outline).

  • Instruct participants to take 10-15 min to use add pictures, words, or designs to the outline that describe their interests, goals, dreams, strengths, etc. 

  • Provide time for participants to share with the group. 

Virtual: Text

The Voting Game

Supplies: Prompts

Amount of People: 6-30

  • Prepare a variety of "most likely" prompts ahead of time.​

  • Leader reads prompts

    • After each prompt is read, the reader will ask for each participants vote on which group member the prompt most reflects. ​

    • This can be done verbally or using the chat feature on your preferred video platform

  • Ex: "Most likely to order a pizza with an outrageous topping."​

Virtual: Text

Welcome To My Crib

  • I can almost guarantee if you do this with students, they won't understand the reference :p

  • Each participant is given two minutes to give a virtual tour of their favorite space in their remote space

Supplies: None

Amount of People: 0-15

Virtual: Text

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