Goal: Stay engaged while working remotely
*Many activities in the other sections can be adapted for a virtual environment. Be creative and have fun!
Among Us LIVE!
Supplies: Zoom, List of Tasks, Task Items
Participants: 8-30
Among Us LIVE! is based on the virtual Among Us video game but played outside of an app. The goal of the game is to discover who the imposter is.
You will need one leader to manage the game.
The leader assigns each participant a color and either "crewmate" or "imposter" (keep this a secret!)
Have participants come dressed in their color and change their Zoom backgrounds to match!
The main Zoom room is managed by the leader
The leader will send participants to break out rooms to complete tasks (you can make as many rooms as you wish, I used 8 for 18 people)
Breakout rooms
There is a task in each breakout room
Task Examples:
1 – Count to ten using your fingers
2 – Spin in a circle 4 times
3 – Draw a cube
4 – Say hello in 3 different languages
5 – Find something in your room to match your color
6 – Dance for exactly 1 minute
7 – Balance something on your head for 30 seconds
8 – Hum Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Crewmates complete tasks but the imposter is unable to complete tasks.
The imposter’s goal is to "wipe" the crew mates without being discovered
To wipe: say or private message “wiped you” to the target
Can only wipe when in the same breakout room
The imposter cannot complete tasks but can fake them!
If wiped, change Zoom background to "wipe screen" (I used a computer static/pixilated background for this)
Remain wiped in the breakout room until “wiped body” has been called
To call a meeting, return to the main room and the leader will bring all participants back.
Discuss and suspicious behavior and wiped bodies found.
Take a vote on who the group believes the impost to be
Correct: game over and crewmates win
Incorrect: continue playing by returning to breakout
Game ends when the crewmates correctly name the imposter or the imposter has wiped all but one crewmate.
Bucket List
Supplies: Electronic Bucket Outline
Participants: 2-25
Send all participants a Word Document with an electronic bucket outline
Can be found on Google
Allow 10-15 minutes for everyone to fill their bucket with words and images that represent items on their bucket list
Each participant shares their screen and explains what on their bucket list
Emoji Movie
Supplies: Movie List
Participants: 3-30
The group leader creates a list of movies describes using only emojis
The group leader can wither share their screen or put the emojis in the chat
If sharing screen, be sure answers are hidden
Allow everyone to guess
House Hunters
Supplies: Items list
Amount of People 2-30
Group leader prepares a list of common items that can be found in a home
Be sure to make these items accessible for all
Something blue
Something that makes noise
A cooking utensil
Something soft
The group leaders tells the participants what they need to find
Participants run as quickly as possible to find the item
First participant back on screen with the correct item gets a point
Participant with the most points wins
House Party
Supplies: House Party App
Amount of People: 2-8
Have all participants download the House Party app onto their personal devices
The app is free
Be sure to check that everyone has access to a device
The app allows the group to play Heads Up, Pictionary, (work appropriate) Cards Against Humanities, and Trivia
Tip: Lock the room so no one outside of your team can join
The Important Questions in Life
The group leader asks an absolutely ridiculous questions
Everyone responds
Allow for debates and laughter
Question Examples:
Is a poptart a ravioli?
Is cereal a soup?
If animals could speak, which would be the rudest?
Supplies: Questions
Amount of People: 2-50
Just Dance
Find a Just Dance video on Youtube
While on Zoom (or your preferred video conferencing platform) share your screen
Everyone has fun dancing together!
Supplies: YouTube
Amount of People: 1-100
Meme It
Supplies: Meme-able pictures
Amount of People: 2-100
Share a picture with the group
Provide 2 minutes for participants to come up with a meme for the picture
The group can vote on their favorite meme
Repeat as many times as desires
For extra fun, make it a competition! Favorite meme gets a point. Individual with the most points wins!
Movies and Games
Resources for groups to watch movies or play games together
Netflix Party
Animal Crossing on Nintendo Switch
Quiplash (Jackbox.TV)
Psych! (Andriod or iOS)
Supplies: Netflix, Animal Crossings
Amount of People: 2-100
Never Have I Ever
Supplies: Prompts
Number of Participants: 3-30
Student Leader/RA edition
Group leader prepares prompts ahead of time
Never have I ever stayed up all night to make door decs
Never have I ever held an e-board position
Never have I ever wrote 3 incident reports in one night
Group leader reads prompts
Participants put a finger down for every prompt they HAVE done
On Mute
Supplies: Prompts or Songs
Amount of People: 2-30
During their turn, each participant places themselves on mute and says a phrase or sings a song
The rest of the group guesses what the phrase or song is
Team leader can provide phrases or songs or allow participants to choose themselves
Recently Used Emojis
Supplies: Electronic emoji lists, Zoom
Participants: 5-20
Ask members of your team to submit a screen shot of their recently used emojis to the group leader.
This can be found by opening the text app on your phone and viewing emojis
Display the emoji lists to the group one by one and have the group guess who the lists belong to.
Emojis (laughing face, paw prints, music notes)
Everyone guesses Sam because they are happy, love animals, and play guitar
Reveal correct answers at the end.
Show and Tell
Share the activity with participants ahead of time to allow time to prepare
Each participant is given time to share an time, talent, hobby with the group
Supplies: None
Number of People: 2-25
Teach Us Something
Supplies: None
Amount of People: 2-15
This is an ongoing activity
Each week, one group member is tasked to "teach us something"
Leave it open for the participant to interpret how they choose
Ex: they can teach knitting, create a PowerPoint presentation on why their favorite TV series is the best, share a favorite recipe, etc.
One group member goes each week/meeting
Be sure to share who will be sharing that week so they have time to prepare
This Is Me
Supplies: Person Outline
Amount of People: 2-100
Provide an electronic copy of a person outline (can be found on Google, I usually go with a gingerbread shaped outline).
Instruct participants to take 10-15 min to use add pictures, words, or designs to the outline that describe their interests, goals, dreams, strengths, etc.
Provide time for participants to share with the group.
The Voting Game
Supplies: Prompts
Amount of People: 6-30
Prepare a variety of "most likely" prompts ahead of time.
Leader reads prompts
After each prompt is read, the reader will ask for each participants vote on which group member the prompt most reflects.
This can be done verbally or using the chat feature on your preferred video platform
Ex: "Most likely to order a pizza with an outrageous topping."
Welcome To My Crib
I can almost guarantee if you do this with students, they won't understand the reference :p
Each participant is given two minutes to give a virtual tour of their favorite space in their remote space
Supplies: None
Amount of People: 0-15